God reveals that the coming of Antichrist will be preceded by the deliberate action and planning of 10 rulers that will gain all political power in the world just before Antichrist arises. In fact, the entire world will be reorganized into 10 Super Nations. The creation of NAFTA had nothing to do with economics; rather, NAFTA is Nation #1 of this 10-nation reorganization plan, of which the Bible prophesies in Daniel and in Revelation.

Listen now to God's prophecy concerning the secret plans which these 10 rulers devise to seize control of the world and then hand this control over to Antichrist [the Beast]. Notice that these 10 rulers are secretly working with Antichrist even before he becomes public:
"The 10 horns that you observed are 10 rulers... who are to receive power and authority for a single hour, along with the beast. These have one common policy (purpose), and they deliver their power to the beast... God has put it into their hearts to carry out His own purpose by acting in harmony in surrendering their royal power and authority to the beast until the prophetic words of God shall be fulfilled." [Revelation 17:12-13, 17]
A careful reading of this passage makes it very clear that the 10 rulers devise a plan prior to the appearance of Antichrist, and that they plan to turn their political power over to Antichrist as soon as he arises. This scenario is very consistent with Daniel's revelations about the 10 toes and 10 rulers in chapters 2 and 7, respectively.

Therefore, when we see the U.S. President leading the global charge to a United Nations' government, we know that this is Satan's plan, not God's. We can also know that its final implementation is the result of a conspiracy, supernaturally directed by Satan for well over 100 years. And, just as the Bible foretold, this conspiracy will result in the appearance of Antichrist.

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